How to Trailer a Boat - Boat Trailer Lessons Orlando, FL

How to Trailer a Boat

How to trailer a boat

The desire to explore different waterways, lakes and intercoastal islands by boat takes on a new challenge for many boaters. One being mastering the skill of how to trailer a boat. The Confident Captain, prioritizes safety above everything else and so we offer comprehensive boat driving lessons and expert guidance on safe and efficient trailering. Let’s explore and give you a few tips on how you can master trailering a boat.

Choosing the Right Trailer

While choosing a trailer you must check its weight capacity, axle configuration and the kind of brakes it uses to ensure that it meets the specifications of your tow vehicle.  If you use a trailer that is small or too long for your vessel, resulting in an imbalance which could lead to instability, potentially damaging your boat, your tow vehicle or worse cause a serious accident.

Driving with a Trailer

Adjust your side view mirrors to ensure that you can see the trailer’s sides and wheels. If you have chosen the appropriate trailer with your tow vehicle you should be able to reasonably go the speed limit. If you feel uncomfortable, drive 5 mph or 10 mph  slower. If you need to accelerate or brake, keep straight and do it gradually, if you were to react hastily and swerve it could cause the trailer to sway or overturn. It’s essential while towing to maintain a safe distance between your vehicle and other motorists. Anytime you’re driving, keep your eyes up looking  ahead, premeditating any potential danger, so you can react early and appropriately. Lastly make sure your left/right blinkers and brake lights are functioning properly .

Launching Your Boat

After reaching your destination FIRST you should Pull over to a non traffic impeding or designated area to prepare the boat before launching at the ramp. The goal is to have everything in the boat ready, so when you launch all you have to do is disconnect the winch strap. Before launching turn the battery on, the blower ( Inboards and I/O’s)  let the blower run while you stock the boat with coolers, watersports equipment etc.. . 

If there are two of you, one can back the trailer in while the other sits in the captain’s / drivers seat. Back the trailer slowly into the water until the boat starts to float, before releasing the winch strap start the boat, turn the blower off, then release the winch strap. Using the idle reverse gear gently back the boat off the trailer. Once the boat is off the trailer, the tow vehicle is free to go park in the designated parking area. If the boat ramp is busy, the boat driver should ei back out to clear the launch area until everyone who is going out arrives. In the event it's a slow day and no one is around, have your boat fenders and dock ties ready to secure the boat to the dock.

Loading the Boat onto the Trailer

For loading the boat, you must back the trailer into the water until the bunks are submerged, if you have rollers you might be able to have them partially submerged, allowing your boat to glide easily. Some boats have a deep-V hull, it’s important to keep the vessel in the center to avoid being off center. Keep in mind some ramps incline is more steep, so you may not have to put the trailer in as deep. If needed, you can use the winch to slowly pull the boat onto the trailer. Once the boat is loaded, the bow eye should be resting firmly against the bow stop with the winch strap under the bow stop. Once you pull the boat out on the trailer, check to ensure the boat is resting evenly properly on the bunker. If they are off-set it could damage the chines (Sharp or rounded features under or on the sides of the hull ) in the event this happens you can simply back the trailer until it slightly floats and pull it back out slowly.

Securing the Boat for Transport

To secure the vessel before towing, be sure to attach the chain located below the winch strap to the bow eye, the safety chain is a secondary safety measure, if the winch strap was to fail. It’s vital to use the heavy-duty transom straps ( secure back of the boat to the trailer) as they prevent the vessel from shifting forward and backward. 

Sign up for boat driving lessons and trailering lessons in Orlando, Florida to have adventurous and fun boating experiences with friends and family. Become a confident and skilled captain by learning the boating basics and trailering from the experienced Capt. Cathy Williams.